Type Where Date Description
3.03.2025 Enabled daily missions to be taken at any level for any monsters
3.03.2025 Removed 'hiccup effect' in PZ zones
3.03.2025 The anihilators and quests can be repeated now, without a reward
27.02.2025 Reduced XP from all monsters +250lvl
27.02.2025 Slightly reduced health of 400 & 500 Dungeon bosses
27.02.2025 Boruto Sagas health has been decreased by half
27.02.2025 Reworked Ancient Defeater achievement, along with rewards
27.02.2025 Reworked Quest Master achievement
27.02.2025 Changed Enchanted doton kunai to Doton enchant for turtle missions
27.02.2025 Reduced bags with golden sand required for Danzo missions from 10 to 5
27.02.2025 Reduced number of Uchiha bosses to be hunted for Danzo missions from 30 to 15
27.02.2025 Reduced number of sasori arms for Danzo missions from 25 to 15
27.02.2025 Reduced number of kyuubi tails for Danzo missions from 9 to 4
27.02.2025 Changed fuuton enchanted amulet of loss to Akatsuki ring for Danzo Mission
27.02.2025 Removed health crystal from Senju task rewards
27.02.2025 Fixed an issue with Informant mission from Akatsuki/Anbu Leaders missions
27.02.2025 Increased EXP rewards from all Myoboku missions
27.02.2025 Increased charges on AOL from Myoboku missions rewards from 1 to 20
27.02.2025 Added doton enchant rewards from Myoboku missions
27.02.2025 Reduced number of ancient golems to hunt for Slasher missions from 500 to 250
27.02.2025 Reduced number of ultra golems to hunt for Slasher missions from 1,000 to 500
27.02.2025 Changed the order of Hokage missions, prioritizing hunting before delivering items
22.03.2024 Sharingan - stamina cost reduced
22.03.2024 Sakura:
Tei Kage Shintou no Jutsu - cage duration increased to 10 seconds
22.03.2024 Kiba:
Ooiga Gatenga - Increased damage
22.03.2024 Shino:
Health drain - Added a 5% chance to absorb damage for party members (same as gaara).
Summons limit changed to 1.
Kidaichu - Increased damage and can be summoned out of summons limit.
22.03.2024 Hinata:
Hakke Sojishi Hogeki - Added 20 agility to the buff and fixed a distance weapon problem.
22.03.2024 Sai:
Choju Giga Shirohebi - now jumps to the target
Choju Giga Shishi - lower cooldown and removed stamina cost
22.03.2024 Shikamaru:
Kagemane no Jutsu Seiko - lower cooldown and stamina cost
22.03.2024 Chouji:
Cho Choji Modo - now Chouji is healed for the amount of HP gained on the buff.
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