
Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
kage shuriken no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
rasengan 50 0 200 1.5s wave
yoko rasengan 75 0 300 1.5s area
oodama rasengan 100 0 400 1.5s wave
fuuton rasenshuriken 150 0 600 1.5s area
senpo rasenshuriken 200 0 700 1.5s target
senpo cho odama rasengan 200 0 700 1.5s wave
rasenrengan 250 0 1000 1.5s area
rasenkyugan 250 0 1000 1.5s target
wakusei rasengan 250 0 1000 1.5s wave
bijudama 300 0 2000 1.5s target
senpo yoton rasenshuriken 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 90s When users health drops below 40% due to damage suffered from a player then a 10% per second health regeneration is triggered which boosts damage to players by 5% and grants 100 movement speed. Duration 20 seconds.
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kage bunshin no jutsu 50 40 500 30 no 60s The user summons four clones, each with 1 HP but are completely immune to damage from monsters and can only be killed when targeted by a player. Clones mimic the user abilities, casting the same spells as the user, but their attacks deal only 10% of the users damage.
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naruto rendan 50 40 500 10 no 15s Jumps to the target with all clones. Atleast 1 clone needs to be present to use this jutsu.
sage mode 150 70 2000 45 no 90s Boosts ninjutsu and taijutsu by 20, dexterity and focus by 30. For the duration of the buff, the user can see all players with a PK status on the minimap within a range of 50 tiles. Duration 30 seconds.

Exclusive to Hashirama:
Additionally, regenerates 5% of maximum health per second for the duration.
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kurama chikara 250 85 3500 45 no 90s Within a 10-tile radius, the user grants a buff to nearby party members for 30 seconds that increases damage against players by 15% and restores 5% health and chakra per second for the duration of the buff.
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senpo jiton rasengan 350 100 4500 25 no 45s Close-target ability that deals 100% spell damage, stuns and silences (Healing spells too) the target for 2 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
chidori 50 0 200 1.5s wave
katon ryuka no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
kirin 100 0 400 1.5s target+area
chidori nagashi 150 0 600 1.5s area
amaterasu 200 0 700 1.5s target
enton honoikazuchi 250 0 1000 1.5s area
enton yasaka no magatama 300 0 2000 1.5s target
indora no ya 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
uchihas legacy 1 0 0 0 no 0s When users health drops below 50% his damage to players is increased by 30% for 20 seconds. This effect has a 2 minute cooldown.
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sharingan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that grants 10 taijutsu, dexterity, agility and focus. Remains for as long as there is chakra and costs 3% chakra per second. Can be toggled on/off.
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enton kagutsuchi 150 70 2500 30 no 60s This ability can be used in two ways: with a selected target or without. When a target is selected fires a black flame projectile at the target, igniting them for 10 seconds. Deals damage equal to 1% of the targets maximum health per second, and the final tick deals 10% of their maximum health as damage. Applies a 15% healing effect reduction for the duration of the burn and cannot be cast on a player already affected by this spell. When no target is selected grants the user a 10-second buff. During this time, if the user takes damage from another players auto-attack, the attacker is ignited for 10 seconds. The burn deals 2% of the attackers maximum health per second, and the final tick deals 20% of their maximum health as damage. Heal reduction also applies.
amenotejikara 250 85 3000 0 no 45s Teleports the selected player directly in front of the user. If the space in front of the user is occupied, the target is teleported to any adjacent space around the user. If all spaces around the user are occupied or the user is immobilized by crowd control, the user swaps places with the target instead and transfers the CC effect to the target.
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susanoo 350 100 4000 35 no 70s Grants 20% PvP damage reduction to the user. Duration 15 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
mystical palm 75 0 250 1.5s area
chakra no mesu 100 0 500 1.5s target
oukashou 150 0 600 1.5s area
chakra enhanced 200 0 700 1.5s target
oukashou shannaro 250 0 1000 1.5s area
shannaro 300 0 2000 1.5s target
kekkai shiho fujin 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
medical ninja 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 20% chance that Regeneration or Strong Regeneration will also heal all party members on the users screen. There is a 6 second cooldown on all healed players. Additionally, grants an ability to create master pills (Conjure Master Pill).

Exclusive for Sakura and Tsunade:
Party regeneration grants the user a 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity buff for 5 seconds. When not in a party the buff still has a chance to trigger when casting Regeneration or Strong Regeneration.
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mystical palm heal 50 40 500 5 no 4s Heal ally via name. There is an 8 second cooldown when healing the same player.
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kuchiyose no jutsu 100 60 1000 0 no 10s Summons an animal to aid the user in battle. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
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moryojika 100 60 1000 0 no 60s When Katsuyu is summoned the user gains access to a new ability: Moryojika, which causes Katsuyu to split and follow all party members in range and heal them for 10% health each second for 10 seconds.
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sekichu messai 150 70 1500 15 no 30s Throws a boulder at the selected target, slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds and affecting a 1 sqm area around the target. This ability only works on players.
tei kage shintou no jutsu 200 80 1500 30 no 60s Creates a cage and slightly pulls everyone affected inside. Cage remains for 7 seconds.
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byakugo no jutsu 350 100 2000 45 no 90s For the duration of 30 seconds, the user regenerates 15% maximum health per second.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
tsuuga 1 0 50 1.5s wave
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
dynamic tsuuga 50 0 200 1.5s wave
cho tsuuga 75 0 300 1.5s area
dynamic marking 100 0 400 1.5s target
gatsuuga 150 0 600 1.5s area
garouga 200 0 700 1.5s wave
dynamic garouga 250 0 1000 1.5s area
cho garouga 300 0 2000 1.5s target
jinjuu couhenka 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
canine instincts 1 0 0 0 no 0s When Akamaru is summoned, every 8th auto attack on a player (both ranged and melee) deals 150% of the damage. Additionally, for a period of 30 seconds, every 3 seconds, the ability automatically senses the last player attacked if the user has not dealt any damage in PvP during the last 10 seconds.
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akamaru 1 0 0 0 no 10s Summons Akamaru to aid the user in battle. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
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shikyaku no jutsu 50 40 500 45 no 90s For a period of 30 seconds, it increases movement speed by 200, taijutsu by 30, agility by 10, dexterity by 40.
tensoga 200 80 2500 15 no 30s Makes the user jump to the targeted player applying paralyze to the target and in a 2 sqm area. Works only on players.
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ooiga gatenga 350 100 2500 20 no 40s Deals 15% physical damage to players around the user for 10 seconds every 0.5 second. The damage scales with Taijutsu and weapon. If akamaru is present then akamaru also casts this ability. Works only on players.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
busui no jin 1 0 50 1.5s target
mushi kogeki 25 0 100 1.5s target
kikaichu no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
mushi kame no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
mushidama 100 0 400 1.5s target
mushi kui 150 0 600 1.5s area
mushi shuriken 200 0 700 1.5s target
hijutsu mushi nagashi 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mushi jamingu no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
kidachuu mushikui 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 1s Depending on the currently summoned insect, the users auto attacks (both ranged and melee) receive additional effects (only on players):

30% of the auto attack damage is also dealt to the chakra pool of the targeted player.

The auto attack also deals damage equal to 5% of the target players current health. This effect has a 1 second cooldown.

If the targeted player is affected by a slow, the next auto attack on that player will immobilize them for 1 second. This effect has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
kikaichu 1 0 0 0 no 5s Summons an insect that deals damage with auto attacks. Kikaichus auto attack damage is 10% of the users physical damage. Kikaichus auto attacks drain 10% of the chakra from the targeted player and returns that chakra to the user as health. This effect has a 1-second cooldown (it works only on players). Additionally from level 300, 2 Kidaichu insects are summoned that deal extra auto attack damage.
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mushi bunshin 100 60 1500 20 no 40s Creates a clone that explodes in a 2 sqm area when it comes into contact with a player, applying poison to every player within range, except for those in the users party. The poison deals 10% of the targets current health per second for 10 seconds.
rinkaichu 100 60 0 0 no 5s Summons an insect that deals damage with auto attacks. Rinkaichus auto attack damage is 10% of the users physical damage. Rinkaichus auto attacks applies a poison on the targeted player, which deals 3% of their maximum health as damage per second for 10 seconds and reduces healing effects by 15% for the same duration. The poison effect has a 20-second cooldown from the moment it is applied. The poison does not apply if the target already has this poison, and it works only on players. Additionally from level 300, 2 Kidaichu insects are summoned that deal extra auto attack damage.
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kochu 200 80 0 0 no 5s Summons an insect that only deals damage with auto attacks. Kochus auto attack damage is 10% of the users physical damage. Kochus auto attacks slow the targeted player by 50% for 2 seconds. The effect has a 10-second cooldown. Additionally from level 300, 2 Kidaichu insects are summoned that deal extra auto attack damage.
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mushi jamingu 200 80 3500 30 no 60s The user becomes invisible for 20 seconds or until they move, deal damage, or cast any spell. Additionally, if the user is in a party, the effect is also applied to party members within a 10 sqm range.
mushi yokuatsu no jutsu 350 100 4000 45 no 90s Within a 4 sqm range of the user, applies a debuff to every player except party members for 10 seconds. The debuff gives the affected player a 50% chance that their spell will not be cast, but the cooldown will still be applied.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
juuken 1 0 50 1.5s target
juuken ho 25 0 100 1.5s target
hakke kuushou 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hakke sanjunisho 75 0 300 1.5s area
hakke rokujuuyonshou 100 0 400 1.5s target
shugohakke rokujuyonsho 150 0 600 1.5s area
hakke hasangeki 200 0 700 1.5s target
mizu hari 250 0 1000 1.5s area
juho soshiken 300 0 2000 1.5s target
juho soshiken rokujuyonsho 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 15s A melee auto attack dealt to a player applies a silence effect for 2 seconds, preventing all casts except healing. Additionally, it disables mana regeneration from food and items for 5 seconds. This effect has a 15-second cooldown.
byakugan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that adds 10 agility, taijutsu and 20 dodge, genjutsu. Additionally, within a 50 sqm range of the user, it reveals every player with an active PK status on the minimap. This buff costs 3% chakra per second and remains until there is chakra. Can be toggled on/off.
hakke rokujuyon sho 100 60 1200 15 no 30s Close-target type of spell. Slows the target by 70% for 1 second and applies a debuff to the targeted player that increases the damage they receive by 20% for 10 seconds.
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shugohakke rokujuyon sho 200 80 2000 10 no 20s The ability immobilizes the user for 3 seconds, and within a 2 sqm area around the user, it continuously pushes away every player except party members. Additionally, each player pushed away is slowed by 30% and their auto attacks are slowed down by 1000ms for 3 seconds.
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hakke sojishi hogeki 350 100 2500 45 no 90s Grants 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity. Additionally, for the duration of the buff 50% of the damage dealt with auto attacks goes into targets chakra pool. Buff remains for 30 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
kagemane no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hikaridama 75 0 300 1.5s area
kage kubishibari no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
kageyose no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
fomeshon ino shika cho 200 0 700 1.5s target
kage tsukami no jutsu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
kage nui no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
nikudan yoyo 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
strategist 1 0 0 0 no 0s The next spell cast is 30% stronger and slows the target by 50% for 1 second. This effect has a 10-second cooldown. For AoE spells, it only works on the selected target if they are hit by the spell. This effect works only on players.
kagezukami no jutsu 50 40 700 20 no 40s Applies a slow to the target that gradually increases from 0% to 70% over 4 seconds, after which the slow persists for 2 seconds. This ability works only on players and has a range of 4 sqm.
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hikage shibari no jutsu 100 60 1000 10 yes 15s Plants a shadow on the ground that acts as a trap. If a player steps on a shadow then that player gets immobilized for 2 seconds and receives 150% spell damage. Works only on players. Traps disappear after 5 minutes.
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kagemane no jutsu seiko 200 80 2500 25 no 45s Wave type spell that makes an affected target mimic users movement for 3 seconds.
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kageshibari no jutsu 350 100 4000 30 no 60s Creates a field of shadow in an area 3 sqm around the user and immobilizes everyone for 3 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
nikudan sensha 1 0 50 1.5s area
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
chodan bakugeki 50 0 200 1.5s wave
nikudan hari sensha 75 0 300 1.5s area
bubun baika no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
cho baika no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
fomeshon ino shika cho 200 0 700 1.5s target
choharite 250 0 1000 1.5s area
daburu nikudan sensha 300 0 2000 1.5s target
nikudan yoyo 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
karori kontororu 1 0 0 0 no 0s Each spell that hits another player adds 1 stack. Upon reaching 20 stacks, the user gains a buff for 20 seconds that increases all damage dealt to players by 20%. When the user reaches 20 stacks, a Max Calories message appears above their head. During the buffs duration, no additional stacks are accumulated.
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nikudan soten sensha 50 40 1000 25 no 45s For 10 seconds, the user transforms into a spinning sphere gaining 200 movement speed and 30% damage reduction. During this time, the user continuously pushes every player in front of them by 1 sqm at a high frequency.
cho choji modo 100 60 1000 30 no 60s The user gains 35% max health and is immune to crowd control effects for 10 seconds. Its possible to break out of crowd control effect using this technique.
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cho bubun baika no jutsu 200 80 1800 25 no 45s Pulls the target to the user and applies 1 second stun. 5 sqm range. Works only on players.
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doton doryuheki vertical 350 100 3500 35 no 70s Creates a wall that keeps moving vertically in a line until it encounters an obstacle. Walls will push players to the side. Walls disappear after 10 seconds.
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doton doryuheki horizontal 350 100 3500 35 no 70s Creates a wall that keeps moving horizontally in a line until it encounters an obstacle. Walls will push players to the side. Walls disappear after 10 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
mystical palm 75 0 250 1.5s area
chakra no mesu 100 0 500 1.5s target
shintenshin no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
fomeshon ino shika cho 200 0 700 1.5s target
shinten cho no jutsu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
kekkai shiho 300 0 2000 1.5s target
nikudan yoyo 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
medical ninja 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 20% chance that Regeneration or Strong Regeneration will also heal all party members on the users screen. There is a 6 second cooldown on all healed players. Additionally, grants an ability to create master pills (Conjure Master Pill).

Exclusive for Sakura and Tsunade:
Party regeneration grants the user a 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity buff for 5 seconds. When not in a party the buff still has a chance to trigger when casting Regeneration or Strong Regeneration.
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mystical palm heal 50 40 500 5 no 4s Heal ally via name. There is an 8 second cooldown when healing the same player.
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shindenshin no jutsu 50 40 1500 30 no 60s The user can look through a screen of a chosen player for 5 seconds. Player that is being looked at receives an information that he is being watched. Technique can be used on players with level no more than 40% higher than the users level.
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shinten shin no jutsu 100 60 2500 30 no 60s Wave type spell, the user controls the movement of an afflicted player for 5 seconds, but is unable to move themself. Controlled and controlling players cannot be controlled by other players during this technique. To control the player use CTRL + arrows/wsad.
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shinranshin no jutsu 200 80 4500 45 no 90s Target type spell, applies confuse effect on an afflicted player which causes movement to be inverted (left is right, up is down) additionally burns 40 stamina per second. Duration 5 seconds. Works only on players.
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kanchi denden 350 100 4000 35 no 70s Boosts damage by 20% to all party members in 10 sqm range for 15 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
gouken 1 0 50 1.5s target
konoha otoshi 25 0 100 1.5s target
konoha reppu 50 0 200 1.5s area
kage buyo 75 0 300 1.5s target
konoha tsumuji senpu 100 0 400 1.5s target
konoha senpuu 150 0 600 1.5s area
konoha goriki senpuu 200 0 700 1.5s target
konoha daisenpuu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
konoha shofuu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
hitori omote renge 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
hachimon tonko 1 0 0 0 no 2s Toggle on/off ability. For this ability to work the user needs 50 taijutsu and 50 agility (no items included) levels are also required for higher gates. Gates are opened starting from the first gate through sixth gate (seventh for Gai) by dealing damage with auto attacks to players or monsters and they turn off automatically when the user is not attacking for 10 seconds or their stamina depletes. Gates requirements and bonuses are as follows:

Kaimon (lvl 1)
Triggers after launching 5 melee auto attacks. Grants 5 taijutsu, 50 movement speed.

Kyumon (lvl 50)
Triggers after launching 10 melee auto attacks. Grants 10 taijutsu, 100 movement speed and 5% health regeneration per second.

Seimon (lvl 100)
Triggers after launching 15 melee auto attacks. Grants 15 taijutsu, 150 movement speed and 5% health regeneration per second.

Shomon (lvl 150)
Triggers after launching 20 melee auto attacks. Grants 20 taijutsu, 200 movement speed, 10% physical damage.

Tomon (lvl 200)
Triggers after launching 30 melee auto attacks. Grants 25 taijutsu, 200 movement speed, 15% physical damage.

Keimon (lvl 250)
Triggers after launching 40 melee auto attacks. Grants 30 taijutsu, 20 agility, 200 movement speed, 20% physical damage.

Exclusive to Gai:

Kyomon (lvl 400)
Triggers after launching 50 melee auto attacks. Grants 40 taijutsu, 20 agility, 200 movement speed, 25% physical damage and costs 1% health per second.
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passive 1 0 0 0 no 1s After drinking Sake (item) the user gets a 30% chance to dodge any damage for the duration of the drunk status.
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omote renge 50 0 0 10 no 20s The user jumps in front of the target and pushes them by 2 sqms backwards. Range 5 sqm. Requires 60 Taijutsu to use.
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ura renge 100 0 0 15 no 30s Target type spell. The user jumps to the target slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds. Requires 70 Taijutsu to use.
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asa kujaku 250 0 0 20 no 40s Wide but short wave that applies a 15% healing reduction and silence for 5 seconds. Requires 80 Taijutsu to use.

Cannot be used during Shimon.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
juuken 1 0 50 1.5s target
juuken ho 25 0 100 1.5s target
hakke kuushou 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hakkeshou kaiten 75 0 300 1.5s area
hakke rokujuuyonshou 100 0 400 1.5s target
kaiten 150 0 600 1.5s area
hakke hasangeki 200 0 700 1.5s target
hakke sho kuushou 250 0 1000 1.5s area
hakke hyakunijuuhachishou 300 0 2000 1.5s target
hakke kuhekisho 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 15s A melee auto attack dealt to a player applies a silence effect for 2 seconds, preventing all casts except healing. Additionally, it disables mana regeneration from food and items for 5 seconds. This effect has a 15-second cooldown.
byakugan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that adds 10 agility, taijutsu and 20 dodge, genjutsu. Additionally, within a 50 sqm range of the user, it reveals every player with an active PK status on the minimap. This buff costs 3% chakra per second and remains until there is chakra. Can be toggled on/off.
hakke rokujuyon sho 100 60 1200 15 no 30s Close-target type of spell. Slows the target by 70% for 1 second and applies a debuff to the targeted player that increases the damage they receive by 20% for 10 seconds.
Click here to see.
hakkesho kaiten 200 80 100 0 no 2s When the spell is active, the user cannot move and has a 70% chance to reduce damage from received auto attacks (both ranged and melee) by 50%. Costs 10% chakra per second. This effect works only on players. Can be toggled on/off.
Click here to see.
jukenho ichigekishin 350 100 4000 20 no 40s Close-target type of spell, for 5 seconds, sets the targets maximum chakra to 1000 and slows them by 30% for the same duration.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
fuma shuriken 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hikaridama 75 0 300 1.5s area
shobu 100 0 400 1.5s target
jidanda 150 0 600 1.5s area
soshoryu 200 0 700 1.5s target
sogu soshoryu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
sugu tensasai 250 0 1000 1.5s target
bashosen kaze no maki 300 0 2000 1.5s target
bashosen hi no maki jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
bakuryugeki 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s Distance auto attacks have a 25% chance to deal double damage. Works only on players.
kaifu no jutsu 50 40 1100 45 no 90s A buff that grants 20 taijutsu, 10 agility and 30 dexterity for 30 seconds.
kemuridama 100 60 1500 15 no 30s Creates a field of smoke in a 3 sqm area around the user for 5 seconds. The field slows by 40% and silences (except healing) every player not in a party with the user.
soushoryu 200 80 2500 20 no 40s Deals auto attack damage every 0.3 second for 4 seconds to all players on the sqm that the target was standing on upon casting.
bashosen hi no maki 350 100 4500 30 no 60s A wide wave that ignites every player outside of the users party for 10 seconds dealing 3% maximum health damage per second and reducing their healing effects by 15% for the same duration.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
sabaku kyu 1 0 50 1.5s target
sabaku sousou 25 0 100 1.5s target
ryuusa bakuryuu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
sabaku doryuu 75 0 300 1.5s area
sabaku taisou 100 0 400 1.5s wave
suna shigure 150 0 600 1.5s area
sabaku rou 200 0 700 1.5s target
gokusamaisou 250 0 1000 1.5s area
suna arare 300 0 2000 1.5s target
sabaku sotaiso 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
absolute defence 1 0 0 0 no 0s Damage from players is absorbed into the users chakra if the user has more than 75% chakra. Any damage that would reduce the users chakra below 75% is instead dealt directly to their HP.
Click here to see.
daisan no me 50 40 4000 30 no 60s The user can look through a screen of a chosen player for 5 seconds. Player that is being looked at receives an information that he is being watched. Technique can be used on players with level no more than 40% higher than the users level.
suna no tate 100 60 1500 35 no 70s For 15 seconds, the user reduces incoming PvP damage by 20%. If the user is in a party, the buff also applies to party members, granting them a 10% damage reduction.
Click here to see.
gokusa maiso 200 80 3000 20 no 40s Wave type spell, creates a field surrounded by the walls except from the side that the caster is standing for 8 seconds.
Click here to see.
gokusa kagiru 350 100 4000 15 no 30s Creates a sand field within a 4 sqm radius around the user for 3 seconds, slowing all players except party members within the area by 50%. After 2 seconds, any player still in the field is pulled 1 sqm toward the center of the field and immobilized for 2 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
baribari hyaku renpatsu 1 0 50 1.5s target
karasu doku kogeki 25 0 100 1.5s target
akahigi kiki sankaku 50 0 200 1.5s wave
kugutsu no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
kurohigi kiki ippatsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
kurohigi sanshouo 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kurohigi kiki sanpatsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
sasori no ito 250 0 1000 1.5s area
akahigi hyakki no soen 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
sasori ippatsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
kugutsu enbu 1 0 0 0 no 2s Summons all puppets available at the users current level. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.

Karasu - from lvl 1.
Kuroari (has a chance to stun for 1 second) - from lvl 50.
Sasori - from lvl 300.
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s When at least one puppet is summoned, the user has a 15% chance to block any type of damage from players.
kuchiyose sanshouo 100 60 0 30 no 60s The user summons Sanshouo for 10 seconds, after which the puppet disappears. While Sanshouo is present, the user takes 30% reduced damage from players.
dokukiri jigoku 200 80 2200 25 no 45s Poisons players within a 2 sqm radius around the target, dealing damage equal to 3% of their maximum health per second for 10 seconds and reducing their healing effects by 15% for the same duration. Can only be used when the Karasu puppet is summoned.
kurohigi kiki nihatsu 350 100 4500 15 no 30s Kuroari jumps to the target and applies a 50% slow for 3 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
suna shuriken 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
kamaitachi no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
futon reppusho 75 0 300 1.5s area
daikamaitachi no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s wave
fusajin no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
futon kakeami 200 0 700 1.5s target
futon kazekiri no jutsu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
okamaitachi 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
futon okakeami 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s When the user travels a sqm distance equal to 8% of their movement speed, they gain a buff for 3 seconds that provides a 50% chance to avoid any damage from players.
shippu no mai 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, adds 30 ninjutsu, 40 focus, 100 movement speed.
futon gofu boheki 100 60 1500 15 no 30s Creates a wall that pushes all players except party members 2 sqms away for 10 seconds. During its duration, no projectiles or spells can pass through the wall.
kuchiyose kirikiri mai 200 80 2500 30 no 40s Wave type spell, sends a wave of wind that travels to the end of the spell range and back. Applies a bleeding effect that deals 3% of the targets maximum health per second for 10 seconds. This effect also reduces healing effects by 15% for the duration of the bleed.
futon tatsu no oshigoto 350 100 3600 30 no 60s Within a 5 sqm range of the user, shoots a gust of wind at every player except party members, that inverts their movement keys for 7 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
doton shinju zanshu no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
raikiri 50 0 300 1.5s wave
katon ryuka no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
magen narakumi no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
raiju hashiri no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kamui 200 0 700 1.5s target
cho raikiri 250 0 1000 1.5s area
raiden 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
kamui raikiri 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
ceaseless sharingan 50 0 0 0 no 0s Permanently adds 5 to all skills except ninjutsu.
Click here to see.
moho sharingan 100 60 1500 35 no 70s For 10 seconds the user reflects (but doesnt avoid) damage dealt by the currently marked target back to that target. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
zenshin raikiri 150 70 2000 25 no 45s The user performs a 5 sqm dash that leaves behind a trail of electricity for 10 seconds that slows down by 70% when stepped on.
Click here to see.
raiton raiju tsuiga 200 80 3000 15 no 30s Summons 2 electric wolves that chase the target and immobilize the target for 2 seconds after making contact. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
kanzen kamui 350 100 4500 30 yes 60s The user creates a Kamui vortex under the currently marked target. The vortex keeps pulling every player to the center and after 3 seconds teleports everyone in vortexs range inside the Kamui dimension for 7 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
doton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
fuuton fujin no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s area
fuuton shinkugyoku 100 0 400 1.5s target
fuuton haisekisho 150 0 600 1.5s wave
chakra to maichimonji 200 0 700 1.5s target
fuuton suiran reppu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
katon haisekisho 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
raigo senjusatsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s Every third melee auto attack on the same player deals 20% more damage.
hien 50 40 1100 45 no 90s A buff that grants 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity and a 20% chance to dodge and reflect an auto attack from a player back to that player. Buff remains for 30 seconds.
chakra to kyokusen 100 60 1500 5 no 10s Area-type spell that deals 200% physical damage (scaling with Taijutsu and weapon) in a 1 sqm area around the user. Additionally, if the targets health is below 50% it deals extra 10% maximum health damage. Works only on players.
enei 200 80 2500 10 no 15s Jumps in front of the target.
katon haijingakure no jutsu 350 100 4500 25 no 45s Creates a 2 sqm smoke area around the user that makes all players outside of the users party have a 50% chance to miss their auto attacks. After 4 seconds the area explodes and ignites every player still inside of the area dealing 3% maximum health damage per second for 10 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
suiton hahonryu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
doton doryuso 25 0 100 1.5s target
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
mokuton mokuryu no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
mokuton mokusatsu shibari no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
mokuton shichuro no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
mokuton jukai heki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mokuton jukai kotan 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
mokuton jubaku eiso 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
wood release 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 20% chance to launch a wooden projectile when casting any offensive spell. The projectile immobilizes currently targeted player for 1 second. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
daijurin no jutsu 50 40 1100 20 no 40s Wave type spell, moving line of roots that slows any player it hits by 70% for 2 seconds.
Click here to see.
mokuton mokujoheki 100 60 1500 30 no 60s Immobilizes and grants immortality for 2 seconds to the target. When used without a target the user casts this spell on himself.
Click here to see.
shichuro no jutsu 200 80 1500 30 no 60s Creates a cage of wooden walls with a 3 sqm radius for 7 seconds, pulling everyone inside with its walls.
mokuton shichuka no jutsu 350 100 4500 35 yes 70s For the duration of 5 seconds locks a targeted party member in a wooden house. Player locked inside cannot use any special abilities and their health and stamina is regenerated for the duration.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
katon goka mekkyaku 50 0 200 1.5s wave
katon tento 75 0 300 1.5s area
katon hosenka 100 0 400 1.5s target
katon okoroo no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
katon hosenka tsumabeni 200 0 700 1.5s target
shunshin no shisui 250 0 1000 1.5s area
susanoo tsukumo 300 0 2000 1.5s target
susano barage 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
shunshin bunshin 50 0 0 0 no 20s The user has a 100% chance to avoid the first instance of damage from players that exceeds 5% of the user maximum health. Upon avoiding the damage the user receives a buff for 10 seconds that adds 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity. Additionally, a clone is created at the users position with 20% of the users max health. When the clone appears, the user loses aggro from players, and anyone who had the user targeted will now target the clone instead. The clone disappears after 3 seconds unless it is killed beforehand. This effect has a 20-second cooldown.
Click here to see.
sharingan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that grants 10 taijutsu, dexterity, agility and focus. Remains for as long as there is chakra and costs 3% chakra per second. Can be toggled on/off.
Click here to see.
nensho shunshin no jutsu 100 60 1400 5 no 10s Jumps in front of the target and ignites them dealing 3% maximum health damage per second for 10 seconds.
Click here to see.
kotoamatsukami 200 80 3000 35 no 70s Silences all special jutsus for 7 seconds and applies a debuff on the target that prevents the target from dealing any damage for 10 seconds. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
susanoo 350 100 4000 35 no 70s Grants 20% PvP damage reduction to the user. Duration 15 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
choju giga mausu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
choju giga inku 75 0 300 1.5s area
choju giga ryuuka 100 0 400 1.5s target
choju giga hebi 150 0 600 1.5s area
choju giga tori 200 0 700 1.5s target
sumi nagashi 250 0 1000 1.5s area
choju giga raion 300 0 2000 1.5s target
choju giga punchi 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 2s Every spell that hits a player applies a stack for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The fourth spell that hits a target with 3 stacks slows them by 40% for 2 seconds and removes all stacks. This effect has a 10-second cooldown after slowing the target.
choju giga shishi 50 40 1000 0 no 15s Summons 2 lions that chase the target and deal 50% spell damage each and disappear on contact. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
sumi renda no jutsu 100 60 1500 45 no 90s Grants 20 ninjutsu and 30 focus. Additionally, for the duration, spells have a 25% chance to cast a second time automatically, 0.5 seconds after the initial cast. Duration 30 seconds.
sumi ryu no jutsu 200 80 2500 45 no 90s Upon casting, the user and all party members within a 10 sqm range receive a buff for 30 seconds. The buff increases damage dealt by 10% and reduces damage taken by 5%. Additionally, it blocks any crowd control effect once during its duration.
fuinjutsu koshi tandan 350 100 4000 30 no 60s Summons a tiger which chases and seals (the target cannot be attacked or attack) the target on contact for 5 seconds. Works only on players and can be used on party members.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
fuuton shinkujin 1 0 50 1.5s target
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
futon reppusho 75 0 300 1.5s area
fuuton shinkugyoku 100 0 400 1.5s target
fuuton shinku taigyoku 150 0 600 1.5s wave
fuuton shinku renpa 200 0 700 1.5s target
futon shinkuha 250 0 1000 1.5s area
kazanami 300 0 2000 1.5s target
ura shisho fuin 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 60s When the users HP drops below 30%, they trigger a health regeneration effect that restores 10% of their health per second for 5 seconds. During this regeneration, the user is immune to all crowd control effects. This effect has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
kage no ketsui 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, increases ninjutsu and taijutsu by 20, and focus and dexterity by 30.
jigo jubaku no in 100 60 1500 15 no 30s Close-target type spell, applies an effect on the target that gradually slows down the target every second for 4 seconds and remains slowed for additional 3 seconds upon reaching maximum strength.
Click here to see.
kotoamatsukami 200 80 3000 35 no 70s Silences all special jutsus for 7 seconds and applies a debuff on the target that prevents the target from dealing any damage for 10 seconds. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
izanagi 350 100 4000 30 yes 60s Saves the users current position as well as users health and after 3 seconds user teleports back to the saved position and his health from that time.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
hissatsu 1 0 50 1.5s target
hyoton senbon 25 0 100 1.5s target
bakusai hyosho 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hyoton shonyuseki 75 0 300 1.5s area
sensatsu suisho 100 0 400 1.5s target
hyoton fubuki 150 0 600 1.5s area
makyo hakuhyo 200 0 700 1.5s target
makyo hyosho 250 0 1000 1.5s area
hissatsu hyoso 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
makyo hyosatsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 1 0 no 2s When the users HP drops below 40%, they gain a 35% chance to avoid any damage from players for 5 seconds. This effect has a 20-second cooldown.
hijutsu makyo hyoheki 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, it adds 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity.
Click here to see.
makyo hyosho dokushin 100 60 1500 20 no 40s Jumps behind the target slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds and creates an ice mirror on the starting position. The user can teleport to the mirror by clicking RMB on the mirror. After teleporting the mirror disappears. Mirror remains for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
hyoton shinkiro 200 80 2500 10 no 20s Creates an immortal clone at the users position, which does not move. After 2 seconds from summoning, the clone disappears, leaving behind an ice field in a 2 sqm area. The ice field slows down everyone except party members by 30% and has a 25% chance to stun anyone who steps onto the ice grid for 0.5 seconds. The ice field lasts for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
hijutsu makyo hyosho 350 100 4500 45 no 90s Creates a cage in a 3 sqm area around the user made of ice mirrors. The cage also pulls everyone inside. After creating a cage the user can enter any ice mirror that the cage is made of and while the user is inside of the mirror his attack speed is maxed and the damage received is reduced by 50%. Additionally, the user is unable to use offensive spells and can only attack targets inside of the cage while in a mirror. Mirror cage lasts for 15 seconds and the user can move freely between mirrors by right clicking on them.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
nehan shoja no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s area
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hebi chakra no mesu 75 0 400 1.5s area
kusanagi no tsurugi 100 0 400 1.5s target
senei tajashu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
hebi sawarabi no mai 200 0 700 1.5s target
senpo muki tensei 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mateki mugen onsa 300 0 2000 1.5s target
senpo hakugeki no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
medical ninja 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 20% chance that Regeneration or Strong Regeneration will also heal all party members on the users screen. There is a 6 second cooldown on all healed players. Additionally, grants an ability to create master pills (Conjure Master Pill).

Exclusive for Sakura and Tsunade:
Party regeneration grants the user a 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity buff for 5 seconds. When not in a party the buff still has a chance to trigger when casting Regeneration or Strong Regeneration.
Click here to see.
mystical palm heal 50 40 500 5 no 4s Heal ally via name. There is an 8 second cooldown when healing the same player.
Click here to see.
kuchiyose edo tensei 100 60 0 0 no 10s Orochimaru:
At level 100 summons Edo Hashirama and Edo Tobirama.
At level 400 summons Edo Hashirama, Edo Tobirama, Edo Hiruzen and Edo Minato.

On level 100 summons Edo Mu and Edo Rasa.
On level 400 summons Edo Mu, Edo Rasa, Edo Gengetsu and Edo Ay.

Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
Click here to see.
senninka 200 80 3500 45 no 90s Juugo: Description when character releases.

Adds 20 ninjutsu, 30 focus, and 5% HP per second regeneration for the duration. During this time, the user can see every player with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.

Grants 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity, 10 agility, and 200 movement speed, while also healing 5% of the users health per second. During the duration, the user can see all players with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.
Click here to see.
tayuya mateki mugen onsa 350 100 4500 30 no 60s In a 5 sqm area around the user sets a 5 second countdown on every player in range except party members. When the countdown reaches 0 then immobilizes every affected player for 4 seconds.
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jirobo doton doroku gaeshi 350 100 4500 15 no 30s Surrounds the user with walls for 3 seconds simultaneously pushing back players by 2 sqms.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
doton doryuso 25 0 100 1.5s target
mokuton daijurin no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton suiryukyu no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
mokuton mokuryu no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
mokuton hotei no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
chojo kebutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
mokuton kajukai korin 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mokuton jukai kotan 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
mokuton jubaku eiso 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
superior regeneration ability 1 0 0 0 no 0s After 1 second of receiving damage heals the user for 20% of the damage received. Works only on players.
moku bunshin no jutsu 50 40 1100 30 no 60s Summons 2 clones of the user, each with 50% of the users maximum health. When a clone dies, it immobilizes all players within a 2 sqm radius (except party members) for 2 seconds. Each clone casts the same spell as the user at the same time, but the spells damage from the clones is reduced to 20% of the users damage. Clones deal damage only to players.
senpo myojinmon 100 60 1500 25 no 45s Traps the target for 3 seconds with shootable walls and pushes back everyone next to the target by 1 sqm. Caught player is silenced (except healing) for the duration.
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sage mode 150 70 2000 45 no 90s Boosts ninjutsu and taijutsu by 20, dexterity and focus by 30. For the duration of the buff, the user can see all players with a PK status on the minimap within a range of 50 tiles. Duration 30 seconds.

Exclusive to Hashirama:
Additionally, regenerates 5% of maximum health per second for the duration.
Click here to see.
mokuton kojukai korin 350 100 4000 45 no 90s Within a 7 sqm radius around the user, creates a tree on every player not in the party for 10 seconds. Within a 1 sqm radius around each tree, every second for the spells duration, it slows all affected players (except party members) by 60% for 1 second, drains 15 stamina and 10% chakra from them every second.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
kage shuriken no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
suiton suishouha 100 0 400 1.5s target
suiton suidanha 150 0 600 1.5s wave
hiraishingiri 200 0 700 1.5s target
suiton suijinheki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
suiton suishoha 300 0 2000 1.5s target
gojo kibaku fuda 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
kage bunshin no jutsu 50 40 500 30 no 60s The user summons four clones, each with 1 HP but are completely immune to damage from monsters and can only be killed when targeted by a player. Clones mimic the user abilities, casting the same spells as the user, but their attacks deal only 10% of the users damage.
Click here to see.
space time ninjutsu 100 0 0 0 yes 2s Can jump on any sqm on the users screen with RMB. Sqm must be reachable and shootable. Can be toggled on/off. Jump has a 20 seconds cooldown.
Click here to see.
hiraishin no jutsu seal 100 60 1500 0 yes 2s User places a seal on the ground that never disappears or marks the current target for 180 seconds.
Click here to see.
hiraishin no jutsu 100 60 1500 20 yes 20s When Hiraishin no Jutsu is cast the 5 second countdown begins and when it reaches 0 the user is teleported to the kunai or marked target. It is also possible to teleport a party member to the marked person or kunai by selecting a party member as a target and casting Hiraishin no Jutsu next to that party member. In case of teleporting a party member there is no countdown. Teleportation works up to 100 sqm away.
Click here to see.
issen hiraishingiri 200 80 1500 25 no 45s Leaps behind the target, dealing 20% of their current health as damage and applying a debuff that increases damage taken by 15% for 5 seconds.
goshun mawashi no jutsu 350 100 4500 25 no 45s The user switches positions with the target.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
doton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
fujin no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
doton doryudan 100 0 400 1.5s target
goton dairendan no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
katon karyudan 200 0 700 1.5s target
doton shuriken 250 0 1000 1.5s area
shiki no fujin 300 0 2000 1.5s target
katon karyu enda 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user has increased damage to players by 10%. Additionally, when the user is in a party then every party member in 10 sqm range receives 5% less damage from players.
kuchiyose no jutsu 100 60 1000 0 no 10s Summons an animal to aid the user in battle. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
henge kongonyoi 150 70 1000 0 no 2s Toggle on/off. Upon activation, dismisses Enma and buffs the user, granting 30 taijutsu, 20 dodge and genjutsu. Additionally, the users melee auto attacks gain an increased range of 1 sqm during the buff. Deactivating this ability summons Enma automatically.
kongo roheki 150 70 1000 30 no 60s Can only be used when Enma is summoned. Enma jumps to the target and creates a cage in a 3 sqm radius for 7 seconds.
fuma shuriken kage bunshin no jutsu 200 80 2500 15 no 30s Fires 10 large shurikens at the target one after another. Each shuriken has a 30% chance to deal 10% of the targets current health as damage and slow them by 50% for 2 seconds. The user can change targets during the spells duration. This ability only affects players.
shiki fujin 350 100 4500 35 no 70s Close-target type of spell, immobilizes the user and enemy player for 4 seconds and increases the damage both players receive by 50% for the duration. Both players cannot be affected by the same special ability during the effect.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
hiraishin kunai kogeki 25 0 100 1.5s target
rasengan 50 0 200 1.5s wave
kuchiyose yatai kuzushi no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
rasen senkou chourinbu kousanshiki 100 0 400 1.5s target
shuriken kage bunshin no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
shuriken tajuu kage bunshin no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
hiraishin senko rasengan 250 0 1000 1.5s area
bijudama 300 0 2000 1.5s target
senjutsu rasengan 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
kanchi no jutsu 50 40 1100 5 no 10s Reveals every player with a PK status within a 50 sqm radius on the minimap for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
hiraishin no jutsu seal 100 60 1500 0 yes 2s User places a seal on the ground that never disappears or marks the current target for 180 seconds.
Click here to see.
hiraishin no jutsu 100 60 1500 20 yes 20s When Hiraishin no Jutsu is cast the 5 second countdown begins and when it reaches 0 the user is teleported to the kunai or marked target. It is also possible to teleport a party member to the marked person or kunai by selecting a party member as a target and casting Hiraishin no Jutsu next to that party member. In case of teleporting a party member there is no countdown. Teleportation works up to 100 sqm away.
Click here to see.
yellow flash 100 0 0 0 yes 2s Can jump on any sqm on the users screen with RMB. Sqm must be reachable and shootable. Can be toggled on/off. Jump has a 20 seconds cooldown.
Click here to see.
hiraishin ni no dan 200 80 3500 20 no 40s After activation, the first ranged auto attack will cause the user to leap to the target and immobilize them for 2 seconds. If no auto attack is made within 20 seconds of casting, the effect ends. This ability only affects players.
Click here to see.
rasen senko cho rinbuko sanshiki 350 100 4500 30 yes 60s Throws a kunai at 6 random players on the screen, excluding party members (with a range of 8 sqms). If there are fewer than 6 players, it targets as many as there are atleast once and the remaining kunais are spread randomly. Afterward, the user jumps to each player hit by the kunai, dealing 10% of their current health as damage, slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds, and returning to the starting position after each jump. The user will continue jumping until all jumps have been performed. There is no range limit for the jumps once the players are marked by the kunais.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon endan 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
rasengan 50 0 200 1.5s wave
kuchiyose yatai kuzushi no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
hari jigoku 100 0 400 1.5s target
katon dai endan 150 0 600 1.5s wave
senpo kebari senbon 200 0 700 1.5s target
katon gamayu endan 250 0 1000 1.5s area
senpo goemon 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
cho odama rasengan 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
toad sage 1 0 0 0 no 0s For every 5% of missing health the user receives 2% less damage. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
hari jizo 50 40 700 15 no 30s Reflects all auto attacks to the attackers for 3 seconds. Reflected auto attacks apply a bleed that deals 3% of the targets maximum health per second for 10 seconds and reduces healing effects by 15% for the duration of the bleed.
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sage mode 150 70 2000 45 no 90s Boosts ninjutsu and taijutsu by 20, dexterity and focus by 30. For the duration of the buff, the user can see all players with a PK status on the minimap within a range of 50 tiles. Duration 30 seconds.

Exclusive to Hashirama:
Additionally, regenerates 5% of maximum health per second for the duration.
Click here to see.
kuchiyose gamaguchi shibari 200 80 2500 30 no 60s Surrounds the target with walls for 3 seconds. After the walls disappear, a cage is formed within a 3 sqm radius around the target for 5 seconds, pulling players by 1 sqm toward the center of the cage with its walls.
gamayudan 350 100 2000 30 no 60s Creates a field of oil that applies 30% slow to everyone but the user. The field stays for 7 seconds. When the field is active the user gains access to Gamayu Endan spell.
Click here to see.
gamayu endan 350 100 2000 0 no 2s This technique ignites the Gamayudan field, refreshes the timer of the field and deals 10% current health damage for every step in the field instead of slowing down.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
mystical palm 75 0 250 1.5s area
chakra no mesu 100 0 500 1.5s target
oukashou 150 0 600 1.5s area
chakra enhanced 200 0 700 1.5s target
oukashou tsutenkyaku 250 0 1000 1.5s area
tsutenkyaku 300 0 2000 1.5s target
kekkai shiho fujin 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
medical ninja 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 20% chance that Regeneration or Strong Regeneration will also heal all party members on the users screen. There is a 6 second cooldown on all healed players. Additionally, grants an ability to create master pills (Conjure Master Pill).

Exclusive for Sakura and Tsunade:
Party regeneration grants the user a 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity buff for 5 seconds. When not in a party the buff still has a chance to trigger when casting Regeneration or Strong Regeneration.
mystical palm heal 50 40 500 5 no 4s Heal ally via name. There is an 8 second cooldown when healing the same player.
Click here to see.
kuchiyose no jutsu 100 60 1000 0 no 10s Summons an animal to aid the user in battle. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
Click here to see.
moryojika 100 60 1000 0 no 60s When Katsuyu is summoned the user gains access to a new ability: Moryojika, which causes Katsuyu to split and follow all party members in range and heal them for 10% health each second for 10 seconds.
Click here to see.
ranshinsho 150 70 2000 30 no 60s Applies confuse status (movement keys are inverted) on every player in 2 sqm area for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
sotenkyaku 200 80 3000 15 no 30s Jumps next to the target and, within a 1 sqm radius around the target, applies a debuff to the target and every player within range (except party members) that increases the damage taken by 15% and reduces movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
byakugo no jutsu 350 100 2000 45 no 90s For the duration of 30 seconds, the user regenerates 15% maximum health per second.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
throw senbon 1 0 50 1.5s target
seneijashu 25 0 100 1.5s wave
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
hebi chakra no mesu 75 0 400 1.5s area
kusanagi no tsurugi 100 0 400 1.5s target
senei tajashu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
jagei jubaku 200 0 700 1.5s target
mandara no jin 250 0 1000 1.5s area
sojasosai no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
yamata no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
living corpse reincarnation 1 0 0 0 no 300s In case of death the user regains full health. The effect has a 300 seconds cooldown. The user is informed that the passive triggered. After true death the cooldown resets. Works only if killed by a player.
Click here to see.
hebi no shushu 50 40 700 10 no 20s The user partially transforms into slithering snake and ignores player / monster collision gaining 100 movement speed. The effect lasts for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
kuchiyose edo tensei 100 60 0 0 no 10s Orochimaru:
At level 100 summons Edo Hashirama and Edo Tobirama.
At level 400 summons Edo Hashirama, Edo Tobirama, Edo Hiruzen and Edo Minato.

On level 100 summons Edo Mu and Edo Rasa.
On level 400 summons Edo Mu, Edo Rasa, Edo Gengetsu and Edo Ay.

Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
Click here to see.
jagei jubaku kyu 200 80 2500 20 no 40s Wave type spell, moving wave of snakes that slows any player it hits by 70% for 2 seconds.
Click here to see.
juinjutsu 350 100 4500 100 no 5s Buffs a chosen player. Boosts 20 taijutsu, 20 ninjutsu, 20 dexterity, 20 focus in exchange the buffed person receives 15% more damage. Cannot be used on self. The buff remains for 30 minutes and stacks with other buffs. Buff cannot be applied on the same person twice. Technique can be used on players with level no more than 40% higher than the users level. After casting a buff on a player, that player has to agree to receive the buff.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
tsubaki no mai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
yanagi no mai 75 0 300 1.5s area
tessenka no mai hana 100 0 400 1.5s wave
karamatsu no mai 150 0 600 1.5s area
tessenka no mai tsuru 200 0 700 1.5s target
sawarabi no mai 250 0 1000 1.5s area
teshi sendan 300 0 2000 1.5s target
ten no mai hana 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
shikotsumyaku 1 0 0 0 no 1s Reflects auto attacks to the attacker but does not dodge them. Reflected auto attacks are 50% weaker. This effect has a 1 second cooldown. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
yanagi no kamae 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, adds 20 agility, and every 5th auto attack is 50% stronger.
Click here to see.
tessenka no mai tsuru to hana 100 60 1200 25 no 45s Wave type spell, pulls the player in front, to the user and immobilizes that player for 4 seconds.
Click here to see.
chi no juin 200 80 2500 45 no 90s Boosts taijutsu by 20 and dexterity by 30 also heals to full health upon activation and grants 5% per second health and chakra regeneration for 30 seconds.
Click here to see.
sawarabi no mai hanasaku 350 100 4500 35 no 70s Creates a field of bones for 20 seconds in the 5 sqm area around the user. The field resembles a chessboard. Every player that steps on the sqm with bones gets slowed by 70% and receives 15% more damage for 5 seconds. Debuff and slow does not affect party members.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
suiton goshokuzame 1 0 50 1.5s target
suiton suirou no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
mizudeppo no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
mizu kanketsu suika no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
mizu no dobiru no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
mizu no katto 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mizudeppo nicho 300 0 2000 1.5s target
mizu no hando no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 60s Description when character releases.
suiton gosuiwan no jutsu 50 0 800 95 no 90s Description when character releases.
bubun suika no jutsu 150 0 2000 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
suiton mizu arare 200 0 2700 95 no 90s Description when character releases.
suiton tate eboshi 350 0 3800 130 no 120s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
doton doryuso 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
doton moguragakure no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
kassokuken hando 100 0 400 1.5s target
fuuton shinku taigyoku 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kassokuken slash 200 0 700 1.5s target
kassokuken furie 250 0 1000 1.5s area
kassokuken blow 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
kassokuken ichishiki 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s Description when character releases.
kassokuken 50 0 800 95 no 90s Description when character releases.
kusari 100 0 1200 50 no 45s Description when character releases.
funsha 200 0 2000 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
senninka 200 80 3500 45 no 90s Juugo: Description when character releases.

Adds 20 ninjutsu, 30 focus, and 5% HP per second regeneration for the duration. During this time, the user can see every player with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.

Grants 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity, 10 agility, and 200 movement speed, while also healing 5% of the users health per second. During the duration, the user can see all players with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.
Click here to see.
taren fujizuho 350 100 2000 30 no 10s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
rariatto 1 0 50 1.5s target
doroppu kikku 25 0 100 1.5s target
erubo 50 0 200 1.5s wave
raiton rariatto 75 0 300 1.5s area
girochin doroppu 100 0 400 1.5s target
raigyaku panchu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
raigyaku suihei choppu 200 0 700 1.5s target
daburu rariatto 250 0 1000 1.5s area
raiga bomu 300 0 2000 1.5s target+area
raisuiryudan 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
physical prowess 1 0 0 0 no 0s Each critical hit from a melee auto attack immobilizes the attacked player for 0.5 seconds. This effect has a 2-second cooldown. Additionally, the user receives 15% less damage from player auto attacks.
Click here to see.
raiton no shunshin 100 60 1000 0 no 5s Dashes next to the target and frees the user from any crowd control effects. Can only be used during Raiton Chakra Mode.
Click here to see.
raiton chakra mode 100 60 1500 30 no 60s For 30 seconds, adds 30 taijutsu, 40 dexterity, 10 agility, 200 movement speed, 20 dodge, and genjutsu. During this time, the techniques Raiton no Shunshin, Raitoningu Sutoreto, and Raigyaku Suihei can be used.
Click here to see.
raitoningu sutoreto 200 80 1500 15 no 15s A wave in a 1x7 line that slows every player by 70% for 2 seconds. Can only be used during Raiton Chakra Mode.
raigyaku suihei 350 100 1500 20 no 15s Close-target spell, applies a stun on the targeted player for 2 seconds. Can only be used during Raiton Chakra Mode.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
doton iwa tounyuu no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
doton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
doton shuriken kogeki 75 0 300 1.5s area
doton kengan no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
doton tsuchi kairou 150 0 600 1.5s wave
doton shuriken no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
doton doryuu taiga 250 0 1000 1.5s area
doton chokajugan no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
jinton genkai hakuri no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 1 0 no 2s The user becomes immune to crowd control effects and damage from the first spell received from a player. This effect has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
iwa bunshin no jutsu 50 40 1100 30 no 60s Creates a clone that chases the target and dies on contact creating a field in a 2 sqm radius that slows down all players, except party members, by 60% for 3 seconds. Field remains for 10 seconds.
doton chidokaku 100 60 1500 25 no 45s For 3 seconds, surrounds the targeted player with stones, through which attacks can still be made. Pushes everyone outside the stone barrier by 1 sqm when its placed.
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doton keijugan no jutsu 200 80 2500 35 no 70s Boosts movement speed by 200 and grants immunity to crowd control effects for 10 seconds. It also applies to party members within 10 sqm range. Shares a cooldown with Doton Kajugan no Jutsu.
Click here to see.
doton kajugan no jutsu 200 80 2500 35 no 70s It only works on the players nickname and lasts for 10 seconds. It reduces movement speed by 20%, increases the damage of the next 3 spells by 100%, and adds 30 Taijutsu and 40 Dexterity for the duration. The user cannot use it on themselves. Shares a cooldown with Doton Keijugan no Jutsu.
genkai hakuri no jutsu 350 100 4500 30 no 60s Target spell with a 7 sqm range that deals 30% of the targets current health as damage and applies a debuff that increases the damage they receive by 15% for 5 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
suiton suirou no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
suiton suishouha 100 0 400 1.5s target
yoton kyu no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
yoton hando 200 0 700 1.5s target
yoton arare 250 0 1000 1.5s area
yoton yokai no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
suiton suishoha 300 0 2000 1.5s target
yoton ryudan 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 1 0 no 2s When the users HP falls below 40%, for 10 seconds, damage from auto attacks (both melee and ranged) received by the user is reduced by 50%. This effect has a 30-second cooldown.
futtoten 50 40 1100 45 no 90s Boosts ninjutsu by 20, focus by 30 and movement speed by 200 for 30 seconds.
Click here to see.
suiton suijinchu 100 60 1100 20 no 40s Absorbs the damage and effects of the next 5 spells or special abilities. This buff has no time limit and does not stack. When the caster is in a party then also applies this buff to all party members on casters screen. Works only on damage from players.
Click here to see.
yokai no jutsu 200 80 2500 20 no 40s Wave type spell that applies burning to every player within the area of effect for 10 seconds. The burning deals damage every second, starting at 1% max health on the first tick, and increasing by 1% on each subsequent tick until the final tick. Additionally, it reduces healing effects by 15% for the same duration. If a player is burned by this spell, they cannot be burned by the same spell again during its duration.
Click here to see.
futton komu no jutsu 350 100 4500 20 no 40s Creates a hot mist in a 4 sqm area that slows by 50% and applies burn that deals 1% of max health every second for 10 seconds to every player besides party members and can be applied simultaneously with the burn from Yokai no Jutsu. Also makes the user invisible for 1 second upon casting. The mist lasts for 10 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
baribari hyaku renpatsu 1 0 50 1.5s target
karasu doku kogeki 25 0 100 1.5s target
akahigi kiki sankaku 50 0 200 1.5s wave
kugutsu no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
satetsu shigure 100 0 400 1.5s target
senju subu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
satetsu kaiho 200 0 600 1.5s target
sasori no ito 250 0 1000 1.5s area
akahigi hyakki no soen 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
satetsu kesshu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
kugutsu shokan 1 0 0 15 no 10s Description when character releases.
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s When at least one puppet is summoned, the user has a 15% chance to block any type of damage from players.
kugutsu no jutsu gishi senbon 100 0 1300 75 no 70s Description when character releases.
soen hitomi goku 200 0 2500 35 no 30s Description when character releases.
hyakki no soen 350 0 4200 95 no 15s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
kibaku mushi 1 0 50 1.5s target
kibaku tori 25 0 100 1.5s target
kibaku c1 50 0 200 1.5s wave
kibaku c2 75 0 300 1.5s area
jibaku bunshin 100 0 400 1.5s target
kibaku jirai 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kibaku c3 200 0 700 1.5s target
C4 jirai 250 0 1000 1.5s area
c4 karura 300 0 2000 1.5s target
c3 san doragon 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 10% chance that after receiving a melee auto attack from a player the user will trigger an explosion that deals 50% spell damage around the user and pushes back any player in range by 1 sqm.
kibaku nendo 50 40 1100 45 no 90s A buff that grants 30 ninjutsu, 40 focus and 100 movement speed for 30 seconds.
c1 kumo 100 60 1500 10 no 20s Every second for 5 seconds the user creates a clay spider that chases the targets and detonates on contact dealing 30% spell damage in a 1 sqm area also slowing affected players by 30%
c2 doragon 200 80 2500 15 no 30s The user travels a distance of 7 sqm and leaves bombs on random tiles within a 3 sqm wide and 7 sqm long area behind them. Any player outside of a users party who steps on a bomb loses 20% of their current health and is slowed by 50% for 2 seconds. Bombs last for 10 seconds.
passive 350 0 0 0 no 0s After death there is a 50% chance to trigger an explosion in 4 sqm range that deals 400% spell damage and has a 1% chance to instantly kill affected players.
c3 ohako 350 100 4500 30 no 60s A bomb falls onto the targets position and lingers for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds the bomb explodes in a 4 sqm area, dealing 50% current health damage to all players in range not in a party with the user.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
jujutsu shiji arm 50 0 200 1.5s wave
ogama kogeki 75 0 300 1.5s area
ogama dance 100 0 400 1.5s target
ogama throw 150 0 600 1.5s wave
jujutsu shiji leg 200 0 700 1.5s target
fushi no moshin 250 0 1000 1.5s area
ogama air throw 300 0 2000 1.5s target
jujutsu shiji heart 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
the immortal butcher 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user has 20% life steal with auto attacks. Also, the next melee auto attack on a player is area-based (1 sqm around the user) and heals for 100% of the damage dealt to each player within range. The area of this auto attack only deals damage to players. The effect has a 3-second cooldown.
Click here to see.
ryuketsu 50 40 800 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, adds 30 taijutsu, 40 dexterity, and auto attacks on players that are below 50% health apply a bleed that deals 3% of the targets max health per second for 10 seconds. The bleed effect cannot be applied to a player who already has it.
Click here to see.
ogama gyokaku 100 60 1200 25 no 45s Wave type spell, pulls the player in front, to the user and immobilizes that player for 4 seconds.
Click here to see.
jujutsu kuji soketsu 200 80 3500 20 no 20s For 5 seconds, all damage received by the target of this jutsu is redirected to the user. This spell can only be used on a player that is in the users party.
jujutsu shiji hyoketsu 350 100 4500 45 no 90s Takes the blood from the current target and creates a Jashin mark area on users position for 15 seconds. When the user is standing in the Jashin mark area then their health cant go below 1 and they can use Jujutsu Shiji Hyoketsu Seitei. The affected player is informed that their blood was taken. The blood can be taken from a single player by only one Hidan at a time.
Click here to see.
jujutsu shiji hyoketsu seitei 350 100 0 0 no 2s Deals 20% max health damage to the target that the user took the blood from and to himself. There is no range limit for this ability.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
futon atsugai 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton mizu bunshin 75 0 300 1.5s area
raiton gian 100 0 400 1.5s wave
katon zukokku 150 0 600 1.5s wave
jiongu hando 200 0 700 1.5s target
suiton suijinheki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
jiongu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
zukokku atsugai 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
stitches 1 0 0 0 no 0s After 1 second of receiving damage heals the user for 20% of the damage received. Works only on damage from players.
Click here to see.
doton domu 50 40 1100 45 no 90s Adds 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity, 20 genjutsu, and dodge.
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jiongu no hiki 100 60 2000 25 no 45s Pulls the targeted player to the user and immobilizes them for 1 second. Range 5 sqm.
yottsu no shinzo 200 80 0 100 no 600s The user summons 4 masks. Masks help the user in battle. A random mask is destroyed when the user dies and it heals the user back to 50% health. Masks cooldown refreshes with each destroyed mask. As long as at least one mask is alive, another will respawn automatically every 60 seconds. If all masks are killed, no more will respawn. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
Click here to see.
kyoka jiongu 350 100 3500 30 no 60s The spell creates up to 5 hands that follow players, excluding party members, who are closest to the user. When they reach them, they slow the players down by 70% for 2 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
suiton goshokuzame 1 0 50 1.5s target
suiton suigadan 25 0 100 1.5s target
suiton suiryudan no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
suiton suihachi 100 0 400 1.5s wave
suijinheki 150 0 600 1.5s area
suiro no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
suiton senshokuko 250 0 1000 1.5s area
suiton dai bakusui shoha 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
suiton daikodan no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
samehada 1 0 0 0 no 0s 20% of the damage dealt with auto attacks hits chakra pool of the target and heals the user for the same amount. Works only on players.
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sairento kiringu 50 40 1100 15 no 30s The user jumps behind the target and silences them for 2 seconds (Healing too).
Click here to see.
suiton suiro no jutsu 100 60 2000 10 no 20s Close-target type spell, slows the target by 90% for 1 second.
Click here to see.
suiton bakusui shoha 200 80 2700 45 no 90s Wave type spell that moves ahead pulling every player in range to the center of the wave and drags them along until the wave hits an obstacle - immobilizing everyone caught in the wave for 3 seconds.
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suiro sameodori no jutsu 350 100 4100 30 no 60s Creates a water pool in a 3 sqm area around the user for 4 seconds. The pool deals 50% spell damage, slows by 70% for 0.5s per second and steals 10% maximum chakra with each hit. Doesnt work on party members.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
katon goenkyu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
katon ryuka no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
tsukuyomi 100 0 400 1.5s target
magen kyo tenchiten 150 0 600 1.5s area
amaterasu 200 0 700 1.5s target
magen tsukuyomi 250 0 1000 1.5s area
hosenka tsumabeni 300 0 2000 1.5s target
yasaka no magatama 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
genjutsu reversal 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user dodges and redirects crowd control effects to the marked target. This effect has a 10 second cooldown. If no target is selected then the crowd control effect is nullified.
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sharingan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that grants 10 taijutsu, dexterity, agility and focus. Remains for as long as there is chakra and costs 3% chakra per second. Can be toggled on/off.
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hoka amaterasu 100 60 1500 20 no 40s Target spell that keeps spawning an Amaterasu flame under the target for 10 seconds. If a targeted player stops moving for 1 second then applies a burning effect that deals 3% max health damage every second for 10 seconds. The burn time stacks for every second that the target is not moving.
Click here to see.
genjutsu tsukuyomi 200 80 2600 30 yes 60s Traps the target in Tsukuyomi. Target stays inside of the Tsukuyomi for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds the target is released to the previous position and receives 20% increased damage for 4 seconds.
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izanami 200 80 2600 30 yes 60s Applies a 5-second time loop on the selected target, after which the target is teleported to the location where the loop was applied. This spell shares a cooldown with Genjutsu Tsukuyomi.
susanoo 350 100 4000 35 no 70s Grants 20% PvP damage reduction to the user. Duration 15 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
doton doryuso 25 0 100 1.5s target
mokuton daijurin no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
doton moguragakure no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
mokuton sashiki no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
mokuton mokusatsu shibari no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
mokuton shichuro no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
mokuton jukai heki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mokuton no mayu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
jukai hirabi 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
superior regeneration ability 1 0 0 0 no 0s After 1 second of receiving damage heals the user for 20% of the damage received. Works only on players.
kanchi no jutsu 50 40 1100 5 no 10s Reveals every player with a PK status within a 50 sqm radius on the minimap for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
kagero 100 60 2000 10 no 20s For 10 seconds, the user becomes invisible, gains 500 movement speed, can pass through units, and is immune to damage. The effect ends earlier if the user deals damage or casts any spell. This can only be used when the user is not in combat.
Click here to see.
hoshi no jutsu 200 80 2500 25 no 45s Sticks a parasite to the target for 10 seconds. The parasite drains 10% max chakra every 0.5 a second and applies debuff (10% increased damage received) for the duration. The user can cast this ability again during those 10 seconds to immobilize the affected target for 3 seconds and end the debuff early.
Click here to see.
kisei bunshin 350 100 0 30 no 60s The user disappears for a second and sends a clone to follow every party member on the screen. Clones follow party members for 60 seconds and during that time party members that have a clone following them have increased damage to players by 10%. If during that time the party members health drops below 50% due to the damage from a player then that party member is healed for 50% of health and the clone disappears early.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
fubuki no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
kami ryuu 50 0 200 1.5s wave
fuuton fujin no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s area
kami kyu 100 0 400 1.5s target
kami nagashi 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kami no mai 200 0 700 1.5s target
kami no shisha nagashi 250 0 1000 1.5s area
kami no jin 300 0 2000 1.5s target
kami no shisha no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s Description when character releases.
dance of the shikigami 50 0 0 0 no 180s Description when character releases.
tenshi korin 50 0 700 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
kami shigure 200 0 2500 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
kami no shisha no jutsu 350 0 4500 95 no 90s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
futon daitoppa 25 0 100 1.5s wave
fuuton fujin no jutsu 50 0 200 1.5s area
suiton mizurappa 75 0 300 1.5s wave
fuuton renkuyoku 100 0 400 1.5s target
shura no ko 150 0 600 1.5s wave
shurado 200 0 700 1.5s target
tendo shinra tensei 250 0 1000 1.5s area
ningendo 300 0 2000 1.5s target
chibaku tensei 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
six paths of pain 50 0 0 0 no 30s Every 20 seconds during a spell cast the user throws a black rod at the target that silences the target for 4 seconds. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
gakido 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, the user gains 20 Ninjutsu and 30 Focus. Additionally, the user has a 25% chance to absorb a spell from another player during the duration.
Click here to see.
bansho tenin 100 60 2100 30 no 60s Pulls and immobilizes the target for 1 second. Range 8 sqm. Works only in pvp. Both versions share cooldown.
Click here to see.
bansho tenin dometsu 100 60 2100 30 no 60s Pulls and immobilizes everyone in 5 sqm area around the user for 1 second also decreasing the damage received by the user by 50% for 5 seconds. Works only on players. Both versions share cooldown.
Click here to see.
shinra tensei 200 80 2600 5 no 5s The user pushes away everyone in 1 sqm range by 2 sqm, also absorbs and reflects all spells to the attackers for 1 second.
Click here to see.
gedo rinne tensei no jutsu 350 100 0 100 no 240s Every party member in 6 sqm range around the user receives a 60 second buff that heals to 100% one time instead of dying. The same player cannot be buffed by this ability for 4 minutes. This ability works on top of other effects like this (kakuzu, orochimaru etc.).
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon hosenka no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
explosive kunai 50 0 200 1.5s wave
doton moguragakure no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
mokuton sashiki no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
katon bakufu ranbu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
kamui 200 0 700 1.5s target
mokuton jukai heki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mazo no kusari 300 0 2000 1.5s target
ni kamui 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
regeneration ability 1 0 0 0 no 0s After 1 second of receiving damage heals the user for 10% of the damage received. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
ceaseless sharingan 50 0 0 0 no 0s Permanently adds 5 to all skills except ninjutsu.
Click here to see.
mukei 100 60 2000 20 no 40s For 2 seconds the user cannot be attacked or selected and any player that is attacking the user loses target. Additionally, the user is completely silenced and can move through players.
Click here to see.
kamui in 150 70 2500 35 yes 70s The user is transported to the Kamui Dimension for 7 seconds. If a player is targeted, the targeted player is also transported along with the user, as long as they are within a 1 sqm range. If the targeted player is too far away, only the user is transported.
kamui out 150 70 2500 0 no 2s The user can only use this spell while in the Kamui Dimension and it allows them to exit the dimension before the 7 seconds expire.
musekiyojin 200 80 3500 30 no 60s The user creates a cage in a 3 sqm radius for 7 seconds, and the walls of the cage pull everyone inside by 1 sqm.
zangetsu 350 100 4500 20 no 40s The user attaches a black sphere to the targeted player, which explodes after 3 seconds in a 2 sqm radius around the target, dealing 30% current health to the target and everyone within range who is not in the users party. Additionally, it applies a debuff that reduces damage dealt by 20% for 10 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
katon gokakyu no jutsu 1 0 50 1.5s wave
katon goukakyuu amaashi no jutsu 25 0 100 1.5s target
katon goka mekkyaku 50 0 200 1.5s wave
katon ryuka no jutsu 75 0 300 1.5s area
katon ryuen hoka no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
mokuton mokusatsu shibari no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
rinbo hengoku 200 0 1000 1.5s target
limbo hengoku 250 0 1000 1.5s area
tengai shinsei 300 0 2000 1.5s target
gudodama 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
regeneration ability 1 0 0 0 no 0s After 1 second of receiving damage heals the user for 10% of the damage received. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
passive 100 0 0 5 no 0s There is a 10% chance to dodge an auto attack or a spell. After dodging boosts all skills by 10 for 5 seconds. Each dodge extends the timer of the buff.
kanseitai susanoo 150 70 2500 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, the user gains 20 ninjutsu, 20 taijutsu, and 10% damage reduction in PvP.
kuroki jushinki 200 80 3500 20 no 40s Throws a black rod at the target that applies a debuff for 10 seconds that has a 50% chance to fail a spell cast. If the affected player fails to cast a spell then the cooldown still counts as if the spell has been cast.
limbo 350 100 4500 30 no 60s Summons 4 untouchable clones that constantly maintain distance from the target and have a chance to slow the target by 30% (only players). When clones are present there is a 15% chance to block any incoming damage. The user can swap places with any clone by right-clicking on it. The clones disappear automatically after 30 seconds.
shin chibaku tensei 350 100 4500 0 no 70s The user is immobilized and summons meteorites in a 7 sqm area. Meteorites fall on random squares in range, when meteor hits a player it will deal 25% current health damage and stun the player for 1 second. If the user can maintain the spell for 10 seconds then a giant meteor falls and deals 25% max health damage to every player in range applying stun for 3 seconds with 1% chance to instantly kill. This ability drains 10 stamina per second and remains until the user has stamina. It can also be canceled by other players if they silence the caster.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
rariatto 1 0 50 1.5s target
raiton enpitsu kogeki 25 0 100 1.5s target
soltar tinta 50 0 200 1.5s wave
raiton rariatto 75 0 300 1.5s area
fuinjutsu okutopasu horudo 100 0 400 1.5s target
biju hachimaki 150 0 600 1.5s area
nana ken dansu 200 0 700 1.5s target
daburu rariatto 250 0 1000 1.5s area
renzoku bijudama 300 0 2000 1.5s target
bijuudama 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
acrobat 1 0 0 0 no 0s Each auto attack on a player has a 10% chance to trigger an additional auto attack beyond the standard one.
Click here to see.
cho biburato raitonto 50 40 1100 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, grants 20 taijutsu and 30 dexterity. Additionally, auto attacks immobilize the target for 1 second. The immobilization effect has a 10-second cooldown and works only on players. Duration 30 seconds.
okutopasu horudo 100 60 1500 25 no 45s Pulls the target to the user and applies 1 second stun. 5 sqm range. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
sumi ikibuki 200 80 2500 35 no 70s Creates a field of black ink, which expands up to 4 sqms from the user. Field stays for 10 seconds and applies blind effect to all players in range except party members which makes every affected player miss with auto attacks and have a black bloat on their screen.
Click here to see.
gyuki chikara 350 100 4000 45 no 90s Grants 10% PvP damage reduction to the user. Additionally, melee attacks have a 10% chance to apply a blind effect with a black bloat on screen for 5 seconds. Blind works only on players. Duration 30 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shuriken kogeki 1 0 50 1.5s target
suiton suigadan 25 0 100 1.5s target
erubo 50 0 200 1.5s wave
suiton kado 75 0 300 1.5s area
raiton gian 100 0 400 1.5s wave
suijinheki 150 0 600 1.5s area
raiton arrow 200 0 700 1.5s target
kuroi kaminari 250 0 1000 1.5s area
ranton reiza sakasu 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
raiton kuropansa 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 2s Every 5 seconds melee auto attack on the same player delays their auto attacks by 500 ms for 1 second. Effect doesnt stack.
raiton kangekiha 50 40 1100 45 no 90s A buff that grants 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity and 10 agility for 30 seconds.
kuropansa 100 60 1500 15 no 30s Summons a black panther that chases and immobilizes the target for 1 second on contact, applying a debuff that increases received damage by 15% for 5 seconds.
reiza sakasu 200 80 2500 15 no 30s Wave-type spell that releases electricity currents in a wide spread at 5 random players in front of the user, every affected player is slowed down by 50% for 2 seconds.
ranton raijin ryouzan 350 100 4500 15 no 25s Area-type spell that deals 200% physical damage in a 2 sqm area around the user and after 1 second deals 100% spell damage in the same area applying silence (except healing) for 3 seconds to every player hit.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
suiton hato 150 0 600 1.5s wave
fuuton reppusho 200 0 700 1.5s target
raiton dan ibuki 250 0 1000 1.5s area
ikazuchi sanren 300 0 2000 1.5s target
kieru rasengan 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 60s 10% chance to avoid any damage, after dodging it imposes a buff for 8 seconds which adds 10 ninjutsu, taijutsu and 20 focus, dexterity. Avoids only the damage from players.
kage bunshin no jutsu 50 40 500 30 no 60s The user summons four clones, each with 1 HP but are completely immune to damage from monsters and can only be killed when targeted by a player. Clones mimic the user abilities, casting the same spells as the user, but their attacks deal only 10% of the users damage.
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boruto sutorimu 400 100 4500 10 no 15s The user dashes next to the target and gains 200 movement speed for 5 seconds. Clones must be summoned to use this spell.
kama 400 100 4500 5 no 10s Absorbs every spell during the 2 second time window. After 2 seconds the next spell casted by the user is 50% stronger + 10% per absorbed spell during the absorption time window. Absorbs only the damage from players.
rasengan uzuhiko 400 100 0 35 no 70s Upon using the spell, the user prepares an attack, and after 2 seconds (marked by an aura), the next melee auto attack deals 40% current health damage, silences and inverts movement keys 3 seconds. After 20 seconds without dealing damage the spell ends.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
raiso 150 0 600 1.5s wave
chakra enhanced 200 0 700 1.5s target
raikyu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mankai okasho 300 0 2000 1.5s target
raisen 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 5s Every 5 seconds an auto attack is enhanced and deals double damage in a 1 sqm area around the target also applying stun for 1 second.
sharingan 50 40 0 0 no 2s A buff that grants 10 taijutsu, dexterity, agility and focus. Remains for as long as there is chakra and costs 3% chakra per second. Can be toggled on/off.
Click here to see.
moho sharingan 100 60 1500 35 no 70s For 10 seconds the user reflects (but doesnt avoid) damage dealt by the currently marked target back to that target. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
denjiyudo doteki 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Creates a gate of electricity 2 sqms in front of the user that is 5 sqms wide. If a party member runs through the gate then that party member jumps ahead by 4 sqms and receives 300 movement speed for 5 seconds. Every player outside of the party is slowed by 50% when running through the gate. The gate remains for 10 seconds.
Click here to see.
raiso ikazuchi no utage 400 100 7000 20 no 40s Shoots a yellow ball of electricity at the targeted player, dealing 10% current health damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. The spell can jump to a nearby player who is not in the users party (within 3 sqm range) up to 16 times. It can hit the same player more than once and can also bounce off the user. Only affects players.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
fuuton toppa 150 0 600 1.5s wave
fuuton reppusho 200 0 700 1.5s target
senei ranjashu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
fuuton kamaitachi 300 0 2000 1.5s target
raiton hebi mikazuchi 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
modified body 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user is instantly healed for 30% of the damage received if the hit exceeds 10% of the users max health. This effect has a 1-second cooldown. Works only on damage from players.
jagei jubaku kyu 200 80 2500 20 no 40s Wave type spell, moving wave of snakes that slows any player it hits by 70% for 2 seconds.
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senninka 200 80 3500 45 no 90s Juugo: Description when character releases.

Adds 20 ninjutsu, 30 focus, and 5% HP per second regeneration for the duration. During this time, the user can see every player with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.

Grants 20 taijutsu, 30 dexterity, 10 agility, and 200 movement speed, while also healing 5% of the users health per second. During the duration, the user can see all players with a PK status within a 50 sqm range on the minimap.
Click here to see.
nan no kaizo 400 100 4500 25 no 45s Pulls the target to the user and applies a 1 second stun. 5 sqm range. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
senpo orochi ikazuchi 400 100 7000 30 no 60s Applies a 50% slow to the target and in 2 sqm area around the target. Additionally, applies a debuff that increases the damage taken by 15%. Works only on players.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
bodytech kick 150 0 600 1.5s target
bodytech punch 200 0 700 1.5s target
bodytech explosion 250 0 1000 1.5s area
rasengan unison 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
disruption cube 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
modified body 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user is instantly healed for 30% of the damage received if the hit exceeds 10% of the users max health. This effect has a 1-second cooldown. Works only on damage from players.
kama 400 100 4500 5 no 10s Absorbs every spell during the 2 second time window. After 2 seconds the next spell casted by the user is 50% stronger + 10% per absorbed spell during the absorption time window. Absorbs only the damage from players.
sukunahikona 400 100 4500 45 no 90s Grants a 40% chance to dodge any damage but the damage of the user is reduced by 50%. Duration 30 seconds. Cannot be used together with Kama.
daikokuten 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Drops a cube on a targets position after a 2 second delay and immobilizes everyone in a 1 sqm area around the target for 4 seconds.
kama daisoha 400 100 0 35 no 70s After 2 seconds, the user casts a 3x9 wave dealing 40% current health damage to players. The wave leaves behind scorched ground that lasts for 10 seconds, dealing 5% max health damage per second to anyone standing on it.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
satetsu no makingu 150 0 600 1.5s area
satetsu no hando 200 0 700 1.5s target
satetsu no arare 250 0 1000 1.5s area
satetsu no taisou 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
satetsu no sotaiso 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 10% chance to absorb and reflect received auto attack back to the attacker and slow the attacker by 50% for 1 second.
daisan no me 50 40 4000 30 no 60s The user can look through a screen of a chosen player for 5 seconds. Player that is being looked at receives an information that he is being watched. Technique can be used on players with level no more than 40% higher than the users level.
satetsu fuyu 400 100 4500 20 no 40s Absorbs the damage and effects of the next 5 spells or special abilities. This buff has no time limit and does not stack. Additionally increases movement speed by 200 for 10 seconds. When the caster is in a party then also applies this buff to all party members in range. Works only on damage from players.
satetsu marking 400 100 4500 30 no 60s The user marks a currently targeted player for 15 seconds. During that time every spell cast by the user on a marked target will critically hit. Works only on players.
satetsu kurogane no tsubasa 400 100 4500 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, the user gains 20 ninjutsu, 30 focus, 200 movement speed, and their spells have a 30% chance to cast a second time 0.5 seconds after the initial cast.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
fusajin no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
kagemane spiral 200 0 700 1.5s target
kagemane tsukami 250 0 1000 1.5s area
tatsu no oshigoto 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
kageni nui 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
strategist 1 0 0 0 no 0s The next spell cast is 30% stronger and slows the target by 50% for 1 second. This effect has a 10-second cooldown. For AoE spells, it only works on the selected target if they are hit by the spell. This effect works only on players.
futon gofu boheki 100 60 1500 15 no 30s Creates a wall that pushes all players except party members 2 sqms away for 10 seconds. During its duration, no projectiles or spells can pass through the wall.
kagemane no jutsu seiko 200 80 2500 25 no 45s Wave type spell that makes an affected target mimic users movement for 3 seconds.
Click here to see.
kageshibari no jutsu 350 100 4000 30 no 60s Creates a field of shadow in an area 3 sqm around the user and immobilizes everyone for 3 seconds.
Click here to see.
futon kiryu ranbu 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Creates a cloud in a 3 sqm area that applies blind (auto attack miss) to everyone inside. Cloud remains for 10 seconds.
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Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
shintenshin no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
choju giga dairaion 200 0 700 1.5s target
choju giga rain 250 0 1000 1.5s area
choju giga frog 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
choju giga falcon 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 2s Every spell that hits a player applies a stack for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The fourth spell that hits a target with 3 stacks slows them by 40% for 2 seconds and removes all stacks. This effect has a 10-second cooldown after slowing the target.
shindenshin no jutsu 50 40 1500 30 no 60s The user can look through a screen of a chosen player for 5 seconds. Player that is being looked at receives an information that he is being watched. Technique can be used on players with level no more than 40% higher than the users level.
Click here to see.
shinten shin no jutsu 100 60 2500 30 no 60s Wave type spell, the user controls the movement of an afflicted player for 5 seconds, but is unable to move themself. Controlled and controlling players cannot be controlled by other players during this technique. To control the player use CTRL + arrows/wsad.
Click here to see.
fuinjutsu koshi tandan 350 100 4000 30 no 60s Summons a tiger which chases and seals (the target cannot be attacked or attack) the target on contact for 5 seconds. Works only on players and can be used on party members.
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choju giga inu 400 100 4500 0 no 15s Summons 2 dogs that chase the target and disappear on contact dealing 50% spell damage each in a 1 sqm area. Works only on players.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
cho baika no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s area
cho bakuda 200 0 700 1.5s target
chodan sensha 250 0 1000 1.5s area
chodan bakudai 300 0 2000 1.5s target
daburu chodan sensha 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
karori kontororu 1 0 0 0 no 0s Each spell that hits another player adds 1 stack. Upon reaching 20 stacks, the user gains a buff for 20 seconds that increases all damage dealt to players by 20%. When the user reaches 20 stacks, a Max Calories message appears above their head. During the buffs duration, no additional stacks are accumulated.
Click here to see.
nikudan soten sensha 50 40 1000 25 no 45s For 10 seconds, the user transforms into a spinning sphere gaining 200 movement speed and 30% damage reduction. During this time, the user continuously pushes every player in front of them by 1 sqm at a high frequency.
cho bubun baika no jutsu 200 80 1800 25 no 45s Pulls the target to the user and applies 1 second stun. 5 sqm range. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
cho chocho modo 400 100 4500 30 no 60s The user gains 35% max health and is immune to crowd control effects for 10 seconds. Its possible to break out of crowd control effect using this technique.
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raiton jinraiken 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Close-target type spell, applies stun on the target and in a 2 sqm area around the target for 2 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
mushi kui 150 0 600 1.5s area
mojoro kyu 200 0 700 1.5s target
jinchuriki rage 250 0 1000 1.5s area
rinpungakure no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
rinpun 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
nimble jinchuriki 400 0 0 0 no 0s 10% chance to dodge any damage. For each successful dodge grants 10 ninjutsu, 20 focus and 200 movement speed for 5 seconds. Dodge works only on damage from players.
Click here to see.
hiden rinpungakure no jutsu 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Wave type spell, applies a blind status which makes the affected players to miss auto attacks for 5 seconds and slows them by 40% for the same duration.
Click here to see.
kokun 400 100 4500 30 no 60s Immobilizes and grants immortality for 2 seconds to the target. When used without a target the user casts the spell on themself.
Click here to see.
mojoro 400 100 4500 25 no 45s Creates a cage in a 3 sqm radius around the user and pulls towards the center with its walls. Anybody inside of the cage is healed 20% per second. Cage remains for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
iyasu rinpun 400 100 4500 25 no 45s The user performs a 5 sqm dash that leaves a trail of healing powder. Powder remains for 10 seconds and heals for 25% health if a party member steps on it. This technique shares cooldown with Mojoro.
Click here to see.
chomei chikara 400 100 4500 45 no 90s For the duration, the users passive dodge chance is increased to 30% and heals all party members on users screen for 5% of health every second. Duration: 30 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
fungokyaku 150 0 600 1.5s target
funsuiken 200 0 700 1.5s wave
jinchuriki rage 250 0 1000 1.5s area
futton kairiki 300 0 2000 1.5s target
tsunoori 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s Description when character releases.
joki bakushin 350 0 3000 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
futton kairiki muso 350 0 3500 95 no 90s Description when character releases.
futton funsuiken 350 0 3100 35 no 30s Description when character releases.
kokuo chikara 350 0 3600 130 no 120s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
yoton kyu no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s wave
yoton shakugaryugan no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
huaguoshan 250 0 1000 1.5s area
enen hoka 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
yoton gaikoken 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 15s Description when character releases.
yoton shakugaikoken 350 0 3000 25 no 20s Description when character releases.
yoton chakura modo 350 0 4000 95 no 90s Description when character releases.
kakazan 350 0 3500 65 no 60s Description when character releases.
son goku chikara 350 0 3600 130 no 120s Description when character releases.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
drowning bubble 150 0 600 1.5s target
shabondama no ninjutsu 250 0 1000 1.5s target
ink bubble explosion 300 0 1000 1.5s area
wisdom wolf decay 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
explosive bubble 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 400 0 0 0 no 0s The user receives 10% less spell damage from players and causes a 2 sqm wide explosion around the user that deals 100% spell damage and slows players down by 50% for 2 seconds when receiving damage from player spells. The effect has a 10-second cooldown.
oboreruho 400 100 4500 10 yes 15s Places a bubble under the user that immobilizes and silences (except for healing) for 2 seconds. It only affects players and does not work on party members. The bubble disappears automatically after 5 minutes. There is no limit to the number of bubbles that can be placed.
saiken chikara 400 100 4500 45 no 90s For 30 seconds, the user gains 30 Ninjutsu and 40 Focus. Additionally, spells have a 25% chance to apply poison, which deals 3% maximum health damage per second for 10 seconds.
awa koromo 400 100 4500 30 no 60s For 1.5 seconds, the user becomes immune to damage. After this duration, they push all non-party players 2 sqm away and gain 200 movement speed for 5 seconds.
santoka 400 100 4500 35 no 70s In a 5 sqm area around the user, bubbles are created on random tiles. When a player steps on a bubble, it explodes, dealing 100% spell damage to them and in a 1 sqm radius around the bubble. Bubbles remain for 1 minute.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
mizukagami no jutsu 150 0 600 1.5s target
mizu no dobiru no jutsu 200 0 700 1.5s target
jinchuriki rage 250 0 1000 1.5s area
futon taifuikka 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
kagenade 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
water mirage 400 0 0 0 no 10s Creates an immobile clone at the users position when their HP drops below 50%. Upon creation, all players currently targeting the user switch their target to the clone. The clone has 20% of the users max health and disappears 3 seconds after appearing. The effect has a 10-second cooldown.
Click here to see.
sangosho 400 100 4500 15 no 30s Close-target spell, sets a 3 second countdown on a target. When countdown reaches 0 then slows the target by 70% for 2 seconds.
Click here to see.
suiton mizukagami no jutsu 400 100 4500 20 no 40s The user is immune to spell damage for 3 seconds and deflects all spells to the attacker during that time.
Click here to see.
taifuikka 400 100 4500 10 no 20s Pushes everyone in 1 sqm area around the caster by 2 sqms and grants immunity to crowd control effects for 5 seconds.
Click here to see.
isobu chikara 400 100 4500 45 no 90s For the duration, the user gains 60 dodge and has a 30% chance to completely block any auto attack (ranged or melee). Buff lasts for 30 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
nekozume 150 0 600 1.5s target
daibyo sogeki 200 0 700 60s target
jinchuriki rage 250 0 1000 1.5s area
hiso 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
byoen hoka 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 400 0 0 0 no 0s There is a 10% chance to apply bleeding with auto attacks that deals 3% maximum health damage every second for 10 seconds. Works only on players.
nezumi kedama 400 100 4500 10 no 20s Summons 3 mice that chase the target and deal 50% spell damage each on contact. Works only on players.
hiso tobikakaru 400 100 4500 5 no 15s Jumps to the target. Works only on players.
renzoku hiso 400 100 4500 30 no 60s Close-target type spell, jumps around the target immobilizing them for 3 seconds
matatabi chikara 400 100 4500 45 no 90s Boosts taijutsu, ninjutsu and agility by 20, and dexterity, focus by 30. Also adds 200 movement speed. Buff lasts for 30 seconds.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
gouken 1 0 50 1.5s target
konoha otoshi 25 0 100 1.5s target
konoha reppu 50 0 200 1.5s area
kage buyo 75 0 300 1.5s target
konoha tsumuji senpu 100 0 400 1.5s target
konoha senpuu 150 0 600 1.5s area
konoha goriki senpuu 200 0 700 1.5s target
konoha daisenpuu 250 0 1000 1.5s area
konoha shofuu 300 0 2000 1.5s target
hitori omote renge 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
hachimon tonko 1 0 0 0 no 2s Toggle on/off ability. For this ability to work the user needs 50 taijutsu and 50 agility (no items included) levels are also required for higher gates. Gates are opened starting from the first gate through sixth gate (seventh for Gai) by dealing damage with auto attacks to players or monsters and they turn off automatically when the user is not attacking for 10 seconds or their stamina depletes. Gates requirements and bonuses are as follows:

Kaimon (lvl 1)
Triggers after launching 5 melee auto attacks. Grants 5 taijutsu, 50 movement speed.

Kyumon (lvl 50)
Triggers after launching 10 melee auto attacks. Grants 10 taijutsu, 100 movement speed and 5% health regeneration per second.

Seimon (lvl 100)
Triggers after launching 15 melee auto attacks. Grants 15 taijutsu, 150 movement speed and 5% health regeneration per second.

Shomon (lvl 150)
Triggers after launching 20 melee auto attacks. Grants 20 taijutsu, 200 movement speed, 10% physical damage.

Tomon (lvl 200)
Triggers after launching 30 melee auto attacks. Grants 25 taijutsu, 200 movement speed, 15% physical damage.

Keimon (lvl 250)
Triggers after launching 40 melee auto attacks. Grants 30 taijutsu, 20 agility, 200 movement speed, 20% physical damage.

Exclusive to Gai:

Kyomon (lvl 400)
Triggers after launching 50 melee auto attacks. Grants 40 taijutsu, 20 agility, 200 movement speed, 25% physical damage and costs 1% health per second.
Click here to see.
asa kujaku 250 0 0 20 no 40s Wide but short wave that applies a 15% healing reduction and silence for 5 seconds. Requires 80 Taijutsu to use.

Cannot be used during Shimon.
Click here to see.
dainamikku entorii 400 0 0 10 no 15s The user jumps to the target. Cannot be used during Shimon.
Click here to see.
hirudora 400 0 1 0 no 30s Target type spell with 5 sqm range, slows the target by 50% for 2 seconds. Cannot be used during Shimon.
Click here to see.
sekizo 400 0 1 0 no 5s Wave type spell, applies 80% slow for 1 second to anyone in range. Requires a Shimon gate to cast.
Click here to see.
yagai 400 0 0 0 no 20s The user is immobilized for 1 second and after that performs a 7 sqm dash which deals 400% physical damage to the first player in its path also immobilizing that player for 3 seconds. Requires a Shimon gate to cast.
Click here to see.
shimon 400 0 0 0 no 1s A toggle on/off buff. It adds 50 Taijutsu, 20 Agility, 200 Movement Speed, and 35% physical damage, while draining 7% HP per second. When the user activates this buff, it replaces the effect of any gate from the passive, and hits during this buff do not count towards the passive. Only during this buff can the user use Sekizo and Yagai abilities.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
mizu no katto 250 0 1000 1.5s area
mizudeppo nicho 300 0 2000 1.5s target
suiton daibakufu no jutsu 300 0 2000 1.5s wave
suiryudan no jutsu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
kubikiribocho 1 0 0 0 no 0s 20% life steal for auto attacks. Additionally, when users health is at 100% then the damage from auto attacks is increased by 20%. Works only on players.
Click here to see.
sairento kiringu 50 40 1100 15 no 30s The user jumps behind the target and silences them for 2 seconds (Healing too).
Click here to see.
suiton suiro no jutsu 100 60 2000 10 no 20s Close-target type spell, slows the target by 90% for 1 second.
Click here to see.
kirigakure no jutsu 400 100 4500 25 no 45s Creates a mist in a 4 sqm area around the user for 10 seconds. Every player in the mist has a 25% chance to miss an auto attack or a spell. Doesnt work on party members.
Click here to see.
kirigakure no kijin 400 100 4500 45 no 90s Boosts 30 taijutsu, 10 agility and 40 dexterity. Buff lasts for 30 seconds.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
fuuton rasenshuriken 150 0 600 1.5s area
yonbiko imari 200 0 700 1.5s wave
yonbiko hando 250 0 1000 1.5s area
renzoku bijudama 300 0 2000 1.5s target
dai rasenringu 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
hatred 1 0 0 0 no 0s The user stacks 2% spell damage for each spell hit on a player, up to 25 stacks, after which the counter resets to 0 (returns to normal). The counter also resets if the user has not dealt damage with a spell to a player in the last 10 seconds.
Click here to see.
sekiryoku 400 100 4500 10 no 20s Close-target type spell, pushes the target 5 sqms. Can also be used without the target and in that case pushes everyone in 1 sqm area by 3 sqms. When pushed player collides with any enviroment then that player gets stunned for 4 seconds.
Click here to see.
kuro kyuubi chakra 400 100 4500 45 no 90s Boosts ninjutsu by 30 and focus by 40 for 30 seconds.
Click here to see.
nikushimi no ori 400 100 4500 25 no 45s Creates a purple chakra field in a 4 sqm area around the target. The field remains for 2 seconds and slows everyone by 40%. After 2 seconds the field immobilizes anyone still being inside for 4 seconds.
Click here to see.
kuro kyuubi 400 100 0 0 no 5s Summons a dark Kyuubi to aid the user in battle. Experience from monsters is reduced by 80% when using summons.
Click here to see.

Jutsu Outfits
Special Outfits

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
teleport jutsu 1 1 0 14400s
transform 1 0 0 1s transformation
light 1 0 25 1s lighting
regeneration 1 0 50 2s 15% health regeneration
strong regeneration 1 1 50 2s 20% health regeneration
kai kuchiyose 1 0 1 1s release all kuchiyose
break 1 1 0 1s breaking
kuchiyose falcon 1 0 1 60s teleport to city
dog sense 1 1 100 1s sensing someone
bijuu summon 1 0 0 1s summon bijuu
provoke 15 15 200 3s provoke monster
chakra explosion 150 0 600 1.5s area

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra CD Description
mokuton mokuryu no jutsu 100 0 400 1.5s target
yasogami kugeki 200 0 700 1.5s target
aisu amenominaka 250 0 1000 1.5s area
shin jukai kotan 300 0 2000 1.5s target
bocho gudodama 350 0 3000 1.5s target

Img Name Lvl Nin Chakra Stamina Event Block CD Description
passive 1 0 0 0 no 0s For 1 second every spell that hits the user will heal the user instead of dealing damage. The effect has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
tomogoroshi no haikotsu 400 100 4500 30 no 45s Target spell, which applies a 3-second countdown. A player under the effect loses 10% max health per second during the countdown. After time expires, immobilizes the target for 3 seconds.
yomotsu hirasaka 400 100 4500 10 yes 20s When the user is not in the protection zone or during combat, the user can enter another dimension with teleports to important places. If the user uses this skill in the protection zone, he also leaves a teleport that allows party members to enter the dimension with him. If a seal is placed, it teleports to the seal location after a five-second countdown.
yomotsu hirasaka seal 400 100 0 0 yes 2s Places a seal to which the user can teleport using Yomotsu Hirasaka. The seal lasts forever. You can change the position of the seal anytime.
amenominaka 400 100 4500 45 yes 90s Teleports the user and all players in 6 sqm range to a random of the 3 dimensions for 10 seconds. Players can fight in the dimensions but cannot use special abilities.

Players cannot move and receive 15% increased damage.

Every player loses 10% health per second.

All players are slowed by 40% and lose 20% chakra every second.
mugen tsukuyomi 400 100 7000 35 no 70s Applies a 5-second countdown to every player on the screen who is not a party member. If, at the end of the countdown, the affected players are not moving, they are immobilized for 4 seconds. During the immobilization, 50% of their chakra is drained per second, and the user heals for 5% of the drained amount.