Character Deaths |
20 Dec 2024, 21:52 |
Killed at level 419 by Pixar, Emanator, Podcwelek Azbestu, syndrom ofiary, Galactic Baseballer, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Barabasz and Oi Oi Oi Baka (unjustified) and most damage by Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:51 |
Killed at level 421 by Pixar, Galactic Baseballer, Podcwelek Azbestu, Siodma, syndrom ofiary and Pol Wegier Pol Cwel (unjustified). |
20 Dec 2024, 21:50 |
Killed at level 424 by Pixar, Emanator, Barabasz, Galactic Baseballer, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Delulu and syndrom ofiary (unjustified) and most damage by Galactic Baseballer. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:49 |
Killed at level 427 by Pixar, Emanator, Oi Oi Oi Baka, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Barabasz, Delulu and syndrom ofiary (unjustified) and most damage by Emanator. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:48 |
Killed at level 429 by Pixar, Emanator, Oi Oi Oi Baka, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, syndrom ofiary, Galactic Baseballer, Barabasz, Delulu and Podcwelek Azbestu. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:46 |
Killed at level 432 by Pixar, Emanator, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Galactic Baseballer, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Delulu and syndrom ofiary. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:45 |
Killed at level 434 by Pixar, Emanator, Galactic Baseballer, Barabasz, Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Oi Oi Oi Baka and syndrom ofiary and most damage by syndrom ofiary. |
20 Dec 2024, 21:41 |
Killed at level 437 by Emanator, Delulu, Pixar, Galactic Baseballer and syndrom ofiary and most damage by Delulu. |
20 Dec 2024, 19:03 |
Killed at level 428 by Pol Wegier Pol Cwel, Delulu, Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka, Garry and Syzyf and most damage by Pol Cwel Pol Dziwka. |
19 Dec 2024, 21:16 |
Killed at level 407 by field item and most damage by Kobe Bryant. |